Hayley + Kids || A Cairns Family

It is always such an honour when I am invited back for another shoot, to recored another part of a person’s journey and see how far they have come since we last met. You see I get invested in the lives of my clients, not in a creepy way but in that I want to see their dreams coming true and how much they have grown.

I met Hayley and her family over a year ago (you can see that session here) and when she contacted me to see when I was coming back to Cairns, the stars aligned and it all worked out. We revisited Kewarra Beach, just north of Cairns, and this time we were lucky enough to have plenty of beach to play with as the tide was out. I didn’t notice them last time, though thats not to say they weren’t there, but we found the most amazing trees which provided entertainment for Hayley’s two teenagers and a photographic heaven for myself. It was great to catch up again and was like revisiting with an old friend, we talked about how things have changed and what had been happening in their lives and overall it was a fulfilling experience.

Through sudden and unexpected changes in Hayley and the kid’s lives she has come to understand the importance of photographs and memories. Both kids are in their early teenage years so I understand their apprehension in wanting to join along with Mum’s requests but as I look through these photos now I know that given time they will also understand the investment that has been made.

To Hayley + Kids,
Firstly, thank you for having me back. That alone means so much to me.

I want to tell you how proud I am of your all. I can see the changes that have occurred in the past 18 months and I am excited for you all heading into the future. You are all lighter now, happier and freer.

You all have such beautiful hearts, though some are trying to hide it. I am pleased to witness what a close, fun loving and driven family you are. You are lucky to have one another and as an outsider I can see that plain as day.

I look forward to seeing you again next year.

Click here to book your session



Camilla French is an intimate and emotive, couple, family and wedding photographer. Camilla is based in Townsville, North Queensland, however, is available for travel Australia wide.